Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites List for 2021

  Social bookmarking has become an essential part of off-page SEO. It includes indexing your blogs, articles or sites in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines.   

But how to go about it? To get backlinks and traffic to your blogs, you need to publish your content on High DA social bookmarking sites. We will talk about the top 10 social bookmarking sites but before that, let’s find out what social bookmarking is and why is it important?  

Social Bookmarking: What does it mean?  

Social bookmarking in SEO means saving your website URL on various social platforms to get backlinks and quality traffic to your site. It involves sharing the link of your content like images, videos, and articles on bookmarking sites. This online submission activity is an integral part of off-page SEO.  

The benefit of bookmarking your content on the bookmarking sites is that you can reach your audience as most users visit and interact with each other on these sites.   

Why is Social Bookmarking Important?  

You may ask why do I need to bookmark my content on bookmarking sites. Many Marketers bookmark their sites because it is crucial from SEO’s perspective. It is important because:  

It increases valuable traffic to your site- You can attract your target audience to your site by social bookmarking. Suppose people are searching for a topic that is related to the content that you created. They will see your content in their feeds if you have bookmarked content that you have made. The more people will like, share and comment on your comment, the more people will discover your content, and the more will be traffic to your site.  It will increase your site’s ranking in SERPs- You know you are creating valuable content consistently but are still not ranking higher on SERPs. Bookmarking will increase your chances of getting discovered by the right audience by increasing your site’s rank on Google or other search engines.   

You can get quality backlinks to your site- Social bookmarking helps sites get quality backlinks, helping you establish yourself as an authority in your field. The more quality links you have, the more your reputation will increase.  

Now that you know about social bookmarking, we will share with you the social bookmarking sites list.   

1. Reddit  


3. Techsite  

4. Dribble  

5. Fark  

6. Slashdot  

7. Diggo  

8. Medium  

9. Pocket  

10. Mix  


Social bookmarking will help you increase traffic to your site, build your brand’s reputation, and rank higher in SERPS. So, don’t waste any time. Submit your blogs, videos, or articles in the above high DA social bookmarking sites and see traffic to your site increase.  

You also can Hire Seo expert for for High Quality Seo Services 

Responsive Web Design Meaning, Benefits and Tools

In this modern digital era, having responsive web design services is essential for any business that wants to grow over its competitors in both online and offline markets. But before getting into the main aspects of responsive web design services, let us know a bit about Responsive Web Design.  

What is Responsive Web Design?  

A responsive design is a web design that helps create a site which can expand or contract as per the size of the screen. It is viewed on the desktop, notebook, smartphone, tablet, etc.  

If you want your website to reach many users, it should be a responsive website. According to a Google survey,65% of the users won’t return to the site if it has poor mobile accessibility. So, don’t miss out on that 65%.   

Moving on, let’s throw some light on the benefits of responsive web design.  

What are the Benefits of Responsive Web Design?  

Though there are several benefits of responsive web design services, we will discuss the primary five benefits in this section.  

Let’s dive in!  

  1. Responsive Websites are Highly Flexible: Responsive web design websites are highly adjustable, which means all the content will quickly load across all the devices and screen resolutions. Just as the liquid takes the shape of the container very easily and speedily once poured in, responsive web design’s fluidity also achieves the same result with the website content on any device screen.  
  1. Responsive Websites Increases Sales and Conversion Rates: Another major benefit of the responsive web design is that the user can have an improved site experience. A consistent user experience will positively affect your conversion rates as people are known with navigation or sites or system use across the devices. Responsive web design removes some barriers that can put multiple sites forward, i.e., in functionality, performance, and consistent look and feel.  
  1. Responsive Web Design Saves Time and Money: The major benefit of a responsive website takes less time than creating an additional mobile site. Testing several websites also increases your development, support, and maintenance.  
  1. Responsive Website Design Recommended by Google Itself: You might have heard that google always matters! That’s right, it does.! Google stated that responsive web design is recommended for mobile web design. The main reason behind that the responsive web design sites have one URL and the same HTML; it makes it easier and efficient for Google to organize the content in a categorized manner.  
  1. Responsive Web Design Services Provides Excellent User Experience: Responsive web design is all about providing an excellent user experience even though they are using a computer, mobile, tablet, etc. Everyone can use responsive web design, be it a professional or a college student. With web design responsive, the readers would no longer have to scroll or resize the page as you will have a responsive website design.  

Now, when we are familiar with the meaning and the main benefits of responsive web design services, let’s talk about the tools you can use for your responsive web design.  

What are the Tools for Responsive Web Design?  

This section will discuss the top 4 tools that you can use for responsive web design. These tools will provide flexible images, responsive typography, web page layouts, and testing and cross-browser support. So, let’s get started.!  

  1. Grid set: Gridset provides web designers and developers with custom grid-based layouts for their projects. You can create any grid according to your requirements. It also works with different content management systems like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress and works with infamous graphic applications like Photoshop and Fireworks.  
  1. Adobe Edge Inspect: When you are looking out for your web pages how they can look different and through different devices, then Adobe Edge Inspect is the right tool. With Adobe Edge Inspect, you can preview the presentation of your responsive site as it can be viewed on iPad, iPhone, and other devices. You don’t need to have several different devices to view the location on these various platforms.  
  1. Bootstrap: Bootstrap is an excellent front-end website development platform that offers many essential components for developing efficient and effective websites. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.  
  1. Export Kit: Export kit tool can create a design in Photoshop and see it becoming a full-fledged website or an application. Moreover, the Export kit covers the gap between your project and your code by immediately converting your Photoshop file into HTML, CSS, JS, WordPress, Android, and whatnot.  


In the end, we can say Google itself recommends responsive web design. It offers one website to provide a great user experience across many devices with different screen sizes. There is a responsive web design company in the market which provides customized responsive website design for your websites. 

How to get Clients for Website Development Company?

At some point in time, every other website development company asks themselves these three main questions mentioned below:  

  • Where can we find more website development clients?  
  • What to do to get more qualified leads?  
  • How can we keep our sales channel full?  

Because it is good to be passionate about your work, but financial stability also matters, which strengthens your great work and are willing to pay you what is worth for the quality of work you provide.  

In this article, we will be discussing some essential tips that can help get clients for your Website Development Company.  

  1. Be active on Your Social Media: 

    If you are looking for clients for your website development company, social media is the best option to start with. It would be best to share your work using different kinds of captions to make yourself more accessible. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest to attract more clients. Don’t forget to post consistently and engage with the people in the comment section.  
  1. Design a Landing Page to Convert Leads– Keep your landing page ready if you want to convert your leads into your potential clients. Then the landing page should be shared through your social media profiles. You can add your beautiful work portfolio with your contact information to that landing page.  
  1. Solve all your Client’s Queries- You should have a deep understanding of the problems or queries your clients are facing, this will not only help you deliver a quality project but can also help with referrals. Make sure to complete your client’s hopes and dreams while fulfilling your own.  
  1. Overdeliver and Under-Promise: It’s all about over deliver and under-promise when trying to attract some clients for a website development company means if you tell your client, their website will get ready in 5 weeks, but it takes 6 or 7 weeks, they will be disappointed. And if you tell your client, their website will be ready in 7 weeks, but you deliver it in 6 weeks, they will be happy.  
  1. Keep improving your skills: Technologies are changing over time, and you need to work hard to stay in touch with the latest trends. Even you are trying to build a new business or attract some more clients, then there is a need to improve your skills and learn new ones.  


In the end, we can say that if you want to reach your goal to find potential clients, you have to be focused, committed, and consistent. If you see dig deep, most overnight successes are ten years or more, you were not aware of them before. Throughout the entire process of getting clients for your website development company, you will learn many things about yourself, your business, your ideal clients, and more. 

Types of Keywords in SEO

If you want to succeed in SEO, you should be more focused on the types of keywords you are searching for your website. When you seized your SEO, that’s when your organic views start growing. There are so many types of Keywords in SEO, and the main question is what kind of keywords to choose when doing keyword research.  

Moving on, let’s throw some light over the types of keywords in SEO.!  

How many types of keywords in SEO?  

In this section, try to understand few types of keywords in SEO that you should be aware of.  

  • Short-tail keywords: As the name suggests, short-tail keywords are made up of three words or less. Sometimes they are known by the name Head keywords. Short tail keywords have a high search volume and very competitive.  
  • Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords consist of more than three words. These kinds of keywords are much more specific than short-tail keywords. They have low search volume and less competitive. Mostly when the users are searching for long-tail keywords, they are ready to make a purchase.  
  • Product defining keywords: These kinds of keywords explain your products very well. When the user is searching for product-defining keywords, that means they are looking for something particular. The users are at the early stage of buying the product when they search for product-defining keywords.  
  • Geo-targeting keywords: You can target a particular neighborhood, city, state, or even country if using geo-targeting keywords. These keywords are useful for the local businesses where they want to attract more and more customers by establishing their SEO strategies.  
  • LSI keywords: LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are thematic keywords that are very much closely related to your primary keyword. LSI keywords are a little bit tricky to find. You can look over the suggested searches section at the end of the search result page to get an idea about what keywords the search engine linked when performing a specific search query.   

In the end, we can say that there are many types of keywords in SEO, but you have to look out for the keywords according to your business requirements. It’s high time now to focus on your content and craft it with the types of keywords discussed above. All these keywords have the power to increase your SEO efforts when trying in various situations.  

If you are still confused how to do proper keyword research then you can take help from our seo experts.

Different Types of SEO

Different Types of SEO    

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the visitors on your website by ranking better on Google SERPs for relevant keywords related to your business.    

There are four types of SEO, and they all have the same goal: to optimize a website for greater visibility in search engine result pages. Let’s know more about what is off-page SEO, on-page SEO, technical SEO, and Local SEO, and how you can use them to your advantage.    

On-Page SEO  

For all those people who wonder what is on-page SEO, it is the process of optimizing everything on a website’s front end to improve its search rankings. It helps search engines like Google to decide whether your content is relevant and potentially helpful.  

It includes doing keyword research and optimizing your website content accordingly, publishing high-quality content, image optimization, optimizing meta titles, meta tags, and meta descriptions, and internal linking.    

If Google understands your website, it will reward you by displaying your site for search queries it deems relevant. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate the above-mentioned on-page SEO strategies into your marketing efforts.   

Off-Page SEO    

Off-page SEO consists of everything that you do outside of your website to fare better and feature higher up in Google’s SERPs. It is all about creating exposure, strengthening the reputation and authority of your website. These factors help search engines see that your content is an ideal result for a search query because it is from a reputable, reliable, trusted source.    

It includes getting high–quality backlinks from trusted sites in the same domain as you, successful media pitching for links, guest posting on high-authority sites etc.   

Technical SEO   

Technical SEO includes strategies to improve a site’s backend structure and foundation, increasing the visibility of a website in search engines. Its main goal is to ensure that search engines like Google and Bing can successfully crawl, interpret, and index all the pages of a website without any problems.   

Technical SEO efforts to be addressed while making your marketing strategy include site speed, mobile-friendliness, indexing, crawlability, site architecture, and structured data.    

Local SEO   

Local SEO is a highly-targeted type of SEO suited for local businesses. Optimizing your website for local SEO helps in increasing your online presence in your community, promoting your products or services, and driving local customers to your business.    

To rank well rank on Google, you need to create your Google My Business profile listing your address, contact details, business hours, description, reviews and photos. The SERPs will look at proximity, relevance, and prominence based on the user’s search query, and select your business if you meet various requirements. You can also boost your local SEO rankings by registering your business with trusted directories such as Yelp, Yahoo small business, etc.   


To create an SEO plan that leads to real results, use all the different type of SEO in conjunction with each other.  If you can’t do it yourself then hire the best digital marketing solutions provider and see your business thrive.

7 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses to Survive Covid-19

Digital Marketing Tips

Covid-19 has halted most business activities, wreaking havoc on the global economy. Without discriminating, it has affected both small and large businesses. Still, small businesses have been hit the hardest, with many closing their doors for good. If your business is also affected by this pandemic, these digital marketing tips for small businesses to survive Covid-19 will help you keep your customers engaged and your sales up. 

1. Evaluate and Adjust Your Digital Marketing Approach   

Covid-19 has made both large and small businesses to start rethinking their digital roadmap. Even the best companies had to change their approach, and so you must do the same. Modify your digital marketing strategies as per the demands of customers during the corona crisis. This can attract and engage consumers and strengthen your relationship with your clients.   

If you are a gym owner and don’t know what to do, try bringing workouts to your audiences using IGTV. If your restaurant does not have a customer dine-in facility, put together a quick 30-second clip sharing a healthy recipe that your audience can try at home. Furniture store owners can make videos to inform their audience about ideal home office furniture. If you were offering educational courses before, consider selling your audience the same courses online.   

You can also create a Google or Facebook Ad Campaign to inform your customers that you are open and running with safety precautions in place. This will put you in front of new and returning visitors. If demand is increasing for your services, consider changing your primary Call to Action from a “Get in touch” or “Free trial” message to “Call us now” to drive the urgency.  

2. Be Active on Social Media   

Your audience is now more active on social media. With people going out less, they engage with social content and ads a lot more than before. This is a unique and once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity for you to deeply understand your audience’s preferences and demands and engage more with them.   

If you were posting regularly on your social channels, then it’s well and good. But if you were neglecting your social media profiles, then now is the right time to re-establish your presence on them. This will help you in creating refined social media campaigns that generate higher conversion rates.  

You can provide the latest updates about COVID-19. If you own a restaurant, you can tell your audience if your business is open to taking orders, its opening hours, and availability of home delivery options. Just keep creating content that can educate your customers and provide them information about your business.   

 You can try the following ideas to engage with your audience:  

  • Use IGTV, Facebook Live, and YouTube to your Advantage– You can share workouts, cooking, dancing, and DIY videos with your customers, to keep them in the loop and involved.  
  • Engage Customers with Q&A’s– It is always fun to do Q&A sessions. You can start a live Q&A, or you can ask questions in your stories on Instagram or Facebook.  
  • Repurpose Old Content– You can share old content in the form of throwback videos and photos. This way, you can effectively use your old content to engage with your audience.  
  • Share Positive Messages– We need to support each other in these challenging times. Create a positive infographic or make a video sharing some tips on how to stay positive and motivated to do what you love.   

3.Keep Up with Latest Keyword Trends  

Changing market trends and economic conditions have influenced search terms. As per Google, search interest for the word “coronavirus” spiked by 260% on a global scale. Search for terms like ‘grocery delivery,’ ‘stores open near me,’ and ‘opening hours’ have also increased in volume. So, we advise that you research and survey keywords from specific search terms. It will give you a good insight into what your customers need from you right now.  

Organic searches for keywords such as “at home,” “delivery,” “delivery services,” and “shipping” have increased. Business owners who provide home delivery on their products or services can use these keywords to their advantage. Keep in mind to update your negative keywords lists to avoid unwanted traffic.  

4. Engage with Your Loyal Customers  

This is a great time to engage with your loyal customers as they have lots of time to kill. During these difficult times, they must be having different questions and requests. Providing answers to all the problems will give you an edge over your competition. Only those businesses that will adapt to current situations and personalize their audience’s experience will survive in the long run.  

Inform your audience that you have opened your business after lockdown by sending them emails or posting on your social channels. If there are any problems in delivering a parcel on time, let your customers know immediately about the delay, so they know what to expect. Give your clients a reason to connect with your brand on a deeper level. You can even provide a free sample or a discount code on their next order. This is a great way to engage with your customers, and it strengthens their faith in your brand and secures their loyalty.  

5. Relocate Your Marketing Budget  

Planning product launches, PR events, in-person gatherings, etc. is no longer an option as social gathering is restricted. The governments worldwide are urging people to step outside only when necessary, meaning that most of them will turn to search engines and social media to look for the products and services they need. This is where digital marketing comes into the picture. It can give your business an edge over your competitors. If you have assigned budget to traditional marketing, redirect it towards digital marketing to increase your online presence.  

You can use your marketing budget for:  

  • Adding videos to your site  
  • Starting a podcast  
  • Collaborating with influencers on social media  
  • Offering discounts  
  • Creating Google or Facebook Ad Campaign 

6. Adjust Your Business Image  

People are looking for information that is authentic, reliable, and comes from a trustworthy source. You can be that trustworthy source. If you own a restaurant, you can inform your customers what safety precautions you are taking while preparing orders.  

But merely providing information won’t be enough. You need to make sure that the users have a pleasant experience while viewing information on your website. If you improve every aspect of the user experience online, viewers will be happy to return to your site. You can do that by:  

  • Eliminating Broken Links– These can turn users away from your website. If there is a broken link in your site, remove it as soon as possible, so it does not hinder your customers’ user experience.  
  • Improving Page Speed– If your site takes a long time to load, chances are that the user won’t wait for it to load and will leave your site. No business owner wants this to happen. So, take care of it.  
  • Updating Your Google My Business Page-You can inform your clients if there are changes in services or products, hours of operation, whether you are offering take-out or to-go ordering, or home deliveries.  
  • Optimizing Website– Ensure that your website is well-optimized. You need to make your website easy to read and navigate. This will make customers feel comfortable buying online from you.  

7. Pay Attention to Your Content Strategy  

We know that user intent has shifted for many search queries during the lockdown. People have started to search for new things and lockdown specific things. So, it becomes crucial that you pivot your content strategies to meet the customers’ changing needs and offer them exciting, informative, and engaging content.  

You can write blogs telling what safety precautions you are taking while running your business, provide tips on how they can prepare their offices for returning to work, and even write articles on how your business can help them. Make sure you use the right keywords that your target audience is using to find relevant content.  


The times are challenging for everyone, but you can beat the negative impact of Covid-19 by following the above-mentioned digital marketing tips for small businesses to survive COVID-19. Remember that now is the time when your customers need you the most. So be there for them and meet them where they spend most of their time, that is, online.  

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